Sunday, 27 December 2020

Beautiful Example : True Person Never Leaves!

It's easy to love each other when difficulties never cross your path. However, in real life, all relationships are tested at one point or another.
I'm sterile. I kept a secret from my first girlfriend for a very long time because I was obviously afraid that she would leave me. When I finally told her, she actually did leave me in a day. I was depressed for over a year and my other relationships all led to nothing and i constantly had fear that my life is going to end this way but, i always had a small hope. About 6 months ago, I met a girl and fell madly in love, but I was afraid to tell her. Yesterday, I told her off everything about the issue and she just looked into my eyes and said that we could adopt in the future, that's not a matter at all. I was so relieved that I started crying and I knew then that I wanted to marry her.

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