It's easy to love each other when difficulties never cross your path. However, in real life, all relationships are tested at one point or another.
I'm sterile. I kept a secret from my first girlfriend for a very long time because I was obviously afraid that she would leave me. When I finally told her, she actually did leave me in a day. I was depressed for over a year and my other relationships all led to nothing and i constantly had fear that my life is going to end this way but, i always had a small hope. About 6 months ago, I met a girl and fell madly in love, but I was afraid to tell her. Yesterday, I told her off everything about the issue and she just looked into my eyes and said that we could adopt in the future, that's not a matter at all. I was so relieved that I started crying and I knew then that I wanted to marry her.
Beautiful Example : True Person Never Leaves!
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